
Thomas Lynum

call926 13 044

Thomas har tung kompetanse innen rettsområdet offentlige anskaffelser. Han har særlig erfaring med tilrettelegging og gjennomføring - herunder forhandlinger og kontraktsadministrasjon - overfor både nasjonal og internasjonal industri. Videre har han bred erfaring med konflikthåndtering i kontraktsforhold.

Thomas bistår bedrifter og offentlig sektor hovedsakelig innenfor rettsområdene offentlige anskaffelser, kontraktsrett, forvaltningsrett, og privatpersoner innen rettsområdene boligrett, fast eiendom og familierett.

Expertise and professional education

Thomas primarily assists companies and public sector entities in matters of public procurement, as well as contract- and business law.

With 30 years of service in the Norwegian Navy - specializing in acquisition programs, Thomas possesses extensive expertise in the legal aspects of public procurement, particularly within the defense and security sectors. His experience includes facilitating and implementing procurement processes for both national and international industries, along with negotiations and contract administration. Additionally, he has in-depth, hands-on expertise in managing contractual conflicts.

Thomas is a graduate of the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy, the Naval Staff School, and the University of Bergen. As Commander (SG), Thomas was in 2020 honored with the Royal Norwegian Navy’s Medal of Merit for his service to the Navy.

He is a member of Eurojuris International working group for "International Litigation, ADR and Contracts".


Program on Negotiations (Master class), Harvard Law School
Cand.jur, Universitetet i Bergen (UIB)
Sjøforsvarets Stabsskole
Sjøkrigsskolen - Intendanturlinje
2022 - (d.d)
Advokat, Stiegler Advokatfirma AS
2020 - 2022
Advokatfullmektig - DalheimRasmussen ANS
2015 - 2020
Sjef Kontraktsavdeling - Forsvarsmateriell/MARKAP (FMA)
2010 - 2015
Sen. Kontraktsoffiser - Investeringsanskaffelser, Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon (FLO) FMA
1989 - 2010
Kontraktsoffiser anskaffelser - Sjøforsvarets forsyningskommando/ FLO
1986 - 1988
Sjø- og stabstjeneste - Sjøforsvaret